Parks on the Air (POTA)
Parks on the Air (POTA) is an international portable amateur radio operation that promotes emergency awareness and communications from national/federal and state/provincial level parks. POTA was born out of the ARRL’s National Parks on the Air Event in 2016, and since then it has spread to become a regular occurrence.
In similar fashion to Summits on the Air (SOTA), Ham Radio Operators can participate in a POTA event in one of two paths — as an “activator” who heads out into a qualified park to activate a POTA station; or as a “hunter” who can be located anywhere and is attempting to contact contact the activators in the park.
The Superstition Amateur Radio Club participates in POTA as both an Activator by going out and activating different parks in the area, and as Hunters. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us as we activate different parks – you do not need to be a club member to participate! Check out our club Events Calendar for upcoming club POTA events.
To learn more about Parks on the Air including information on how to get started, rules, approved parks, POTA Activation Schedules, or activator/hunter how to guides; visit the Parks on the Air website.
If you or your group are interested in doing your own POTA Activations, the Superstition Amateur Radio Club HAM’s are happy to be an Elmer and work with you or your group on a “joint activation” to give you the opportunity to see the process works from scheduling and portable station equipment needs, to POTA activation, logs and follow-up.
Contact Us for more information on our POTA Elmer’s.