Superstition Amateur Radio Club

The Superstition Amateur Radio club can be your catalyst for knowledge and friendship. Whatever your amateur radio interests are you will find others in the club with the same interests.

Get to know us

Located in Mesa, Arizona, The Superstition Amateur Radio Club is your gateway to the central Arizona airwaves, life-long friendships, and an exciting hobby. Whether you are newly licensed, recently upgraded, getting back into the hobby, or a seasoned Elmer; the Superstition Amateur Radio Club has someone you can learn from, exchange ideas with, or teach something new to.

Who We are

At the Superstition Amateur Radio Club, we take great pride in helping to preserve the future and carry on the tradition of amateur radio by making the knowledge and technology accessible to anyone who wants to learn. We do this through multiple channels, including recruiting, training, and helping committed hams to carry on the tradition of amateur radio; and by committing club resources to building and maintaining our technical resources and network of repeaters as open and free use to all hams. As part of our clubs commitment to the community and future of amateur radio, The Superstition Amateur Radio Club hosts and maintains several far reaching and free to use repeaters in the Phoenix east valley that are open to all amateur radio operators.

As a licensed amateur radio operator there are so many things you can do and so much you can learn that it is almost impossible to list everything, and The Superstition Amateur Radio club has something for everyone! Whether you want to…

  • Talk to people locally on VHF/UHF repeaters.

  • Have a trivia session on your morning drive into work.

  • Talk over the air with people in other states or countries and on other continents.

  • Climb mountains with portable equipment with Summits On The Air (SOTA).

  • Learn or use CW (Morse code).

  • Build your own antenna or radio.

  • Help provide communications for public service events, or in emergencies and natural disasters.

  • Be a Skywarn Storm Spotter for the National Weather Service.

  • Talk to astronauts in space, or use the moon to bounce signals back to people on the Earth.

  • Communicate through or receive weather pictures from orbiting satellites.

  • Have your own Amateur television station.

  • Participate in contests or transmitter hunting games.

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